Mission Statement
About this website
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Our church has one goal in mind, and that is submitting ourselves to God, so we can "become all things to all men, that we might by all means save some". 1 Cor. 9:22. Our vision can be summed up in word, GRACE.

Gracious Living

Reaching the Lost

Awesome Worship

Christ Centered Fellowship

Equipping Disciples


 We will reach these objectives by:

+ By living surrendered lives to Christ
+ By teaching, preaching and living Christ-like
+ Having no respect of person
+ Sharing of our abundance to further the gospel
+ Maintaining holiness as a lifestyle
+ Being servants one to another in Love
+ Every decision directed by the Spirit, with the great commission in mind
+ Grace filled worship
+ Discipline in love
+ Fellowship with other churches; to bring us in oneness (John 17)
+ Give everyone a place to fill loved, needed, and to grow in ministry

"We have covenanted together to accept the whole Bible rightly divided. The New Testament, as our rule of faith, and to walk in the light of His truth to the best of our knowledge and ability."